Day 2 – Public Hearings – East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee: Tuesday 4th March 2014

This post includes:

  1. Day 2: East West Link blog updates
  2. Storify: Mainstream media and live-tweeting from Day 2 of EWL Public Hearings

1. Tuesday 4 March And finally:

The LMA catalogued opening responses to the issues before the assessment committee.

LMA described the Urban Design Framework as a forward-looking document that will inform how future decisions are made: so if future decisions are considered to depart from or fail to meet UDF objectives, then people can seek remedies at VCAT.

LMA appeared to suggest that EWL will be an iconic road project like, for example, Sydney Harbour Bridge (pretty photo provided on screen). Roads like St Kilda Rd, Royal Pde, Victoria Pde can be viewed as “cultural and visual landmarks as well as vital pieces of city infrastructure”, we were told.