Take Action to tighten Air Pollution Standards

YCAT urges community groups and individuals to make submissions to the review of Air Pollution standards
The 3068 Neighbourhood Group from Clifton Hill has made a submission with particular reference to the failing of the East West Link Comprehensive Impact Assessment to deal with Air Pollution from the project.
1. Background on making a submission: Proposed variation to the National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure in relation to the standards for particles
2. Public consultation: Submissions close 10 October 2014 and responses will be made publicly available unless marked as ‘confidential’. The responses will be considered in the development of a final proposal to vary the Ambient Air Quality NEPM.
3. How to make a submission: The Impact Statement and draft varied measure are now open for public comment and provide stakeholders with an opportunity to provide their views on the information and options presented.
4. Submissions can be made to the NEPC by completing an online questionnaire or in writing.
5. Submissions can be made in writing and addressed to: The Executive Officer, National Environment Protection Council, Department of the Environment, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601. Alternatively, submissions can be emailed to: NEPC@environment.gov.au
Additional information
ABC Science: Air quality standards ‘increase pollution and health risks’ ( 1 October 2014)
Deadly air pollution continues to be a problem in Australia because air quality standards are being misused, say experts. The standards governing six key outdoor pollutants are being interpreted as an acceptable upper limit of pollution, says health statistician Associate Professor Adrian Barnett of the Queensland University of Technology.
The Age: Final $6.8b East West Link design ignores government’s own expert planning advice (30 September 2014)
A 10-storey tunnel ventilation stack will be built in Collingwood, near homes and the Clifton Hill Primary School, despite the government’s project assessment committee saying it should be located hundreds of metres to the east.
Collingwood Air Pollution Lecture (17 September 2014)
On 17th September 2014, a presentation on the Health Impacts of Air Pollution was held for concerned parents in the Collingwood area. Collingwood has some of the worst traffic in Melbourne but the air quality is not regularly measured. Keele Street Creche now has monitoring but it is unclear if any results will be released to the public before the election.