October 18: Coalition of Transport Action Groups (CTAG) Community Protest Rally & Picnic Media Release
What Part of NO Don’t You Understand Mr Brumby!
A group of concerned residents, environmentalists and activists from across Melbourne have joined to form The Coalition of Transport Action Groups (CTAG).
This group strongly opposes the Eddington Report’s recommendations for the construction of tunnels, new freeways and toll roads in the West, Inner, East and South of Melbourne.
CTAG is asking the Brumby government to reject the Eddington Report’s Recommendations and to spend the $18 billion on a sustainable public and rail freight transport network in the west, east, inner and southern suburbs of Melbourne.
- Venue: Flinders Street Station
- Date: Sunday, 26 October, 2008
- Assemble: 11.45 for a 12.15 start
- Speaker: Daniel Bowen, President Public Transport Users
- Association (PTUA)
- Travel: By Train, Tram, Bus or Bike
- BYO: Banners, Placards, Signs, Group Travel Arrangements