YCAT Report on Victorian Freight Forum, September 2008
If some of us still doubt that the East-West Tunnel is primarily about commuters and not freight this forum and the impending Victorian Transport Plan effectively disabuses us of that notion. The forum’s focus was improving the productivity of freight in Victoria.
Road transport, docks and freight industry representatives, transport/freight industry peak bodies as well as representatives from community groups, including two representatives from YCAT, attended the forum.
There were three speakers; Tim Pallas (Minister for Roads and Ports), Don Hagen (Director Vehicle Management and Safety, VicRoads and Jon Clarebrough, Director Freight and Logistics, Department of Transport). Each speaker addressed specific sections of the proposed Victorian Transport Plan and an hour was allowed for open discussion to conclude the forum.
The Minister, Tim Pallas opened the forum by emphasising that productivity and efficiency were the driving force in the freight plan and that the government saw a need to go beyond the Eddington Report, which was circumscribed by limited Terms of Reference, to develop a total Victorian Transport Plan. He then indicated that this is a long term plan for Victoria’s future (2036) and that the government’s position is based on the following factors: Continue Reading…