Hi All,
This is a reminder that a Public meeting on the East West Tollway is being held on :
Wednesday, 2nd May 2012 from 6pm – 8pm at the Dan O’Connell Hotel, 225 Canning Street, Carlton.
This is an important meeting and a major opportunity to make the communities views and wishes know to the government. This is not a time to be complacent.
Yes, the government does not have the money for it now, however, that does not stop the decision making process and infrastructure planning.
With Private Public Partnerships (PPT) the money will be there in two, five or ten years time.
The time to stop the East West Toll Road it is now at the planning stage and remember if planning for this toll road goes ahead there will be no Doncaster Rail!
Please remind all your members of this meeting.
freda watkin