2013 update
Please note the information on this page details YCATs 2008 campaign relating to Sir Rod Eddingtons Investing in Transport report.
For regular updates on YCATs 2013 campaign related to the Baillieu Napthine government’s proposed East West road link, please refer to;
- Trains Not Tollroads Campaign
- YCAT website
- YCAT newsletters
- YCAT facebook
- YCAT twitter
- EWLNA Submissions
- State and Federal Politicians
- Media Contacts
Analysis of submission
Greens MLCs Colleen Hartland and Greg Barber launched a report by Kate Wilson from the University of Melbourne that analysed the public submissions in the Eddington Report process.
The report proves that the public overwhelmingly opposes the proposed road tunnel, and want better public transport instead.
You can read a copy of the report on the Greens MLC website here
EWLNA Submissions
Early in 2008 the Victorian Government called for public responses to the East-West Link Needs Assessment. The public invitation to comment to the State Government closed on 15 July.
From Department of Transport: Update 18 July 2008, from Department of Infrastructure: Victoria’s Transport Options
Following the release of Sir Rod Eddington’s independent report, Investing In Transport, the Victorian Government invited members of the community to submit their views about the report, its recommendations and other transport priorities. More than 2,000 submissions have been received from individuals and organisations over a 15-week period.The large number of submissions received means that this page will be progressively updated in coming days. Note: Some of these submissions are large files and may take some time to open. Contact us if you require alternative access.
- YCAT Submission to the EWLNA
- Carlton Residents Association: Response to the Eddington Report
- Yarra City Council: Yarra’s Response to the Eddington Report and Submission on Proposed Clearway Extensions
- Darebin City Council: Eddington Road Tunnel A Waste Of Taxpayers – But Rail Tunnel A Move In Right Direction
- Submission examples from Save Holland Park
- Metropolitan Transport Forum Submission executive summary and media release
- PT4me2: Have your say about the Eddington East-West transport options
- Kensington Community Children’s Co-operative
- Yarra Bicycle Users Group Submission to the EWLNA
Although submissions are now closed, you should still contact the Department of Transport, both State, Federal politicians and the media to make your options known regarding Recommendation 4.
- Click here for examples of some of the points you can discuss in your correspondence
- Department of Transport – Email: yoursay@dot.vic.gov.au
State and Federal Politicians
You may also wish to CC in your correspondence:
- Lindsay Tanner (ALP), Federal Member for Melbourne,102 Victoria St. Carlton Vic 3053 Email: lindsay.tanner.mp@aph.gov.au
- Bronwyn Pike (ALP), State Member for Melbourne: Postal Address: 146 – 148 Peel Street,North Melbourne. VIC 3051 Email: brownwyn.pike@parliament.vic.au
- Richard Wynne (ALP) Member for Richmond, Minister for Housing, Minister for Local Government and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. PO Box 1474 Collingwood 3066 Email: richard.wynne@parliament.vic.gov.au
- Carlo Carli (ALP) Member for Brunswick. 47 Sydney Rd, Coburg VIC 3058. Email: carlo.carli@parliament.vic.gov.au
- Hon. Tim Pallas, MP, Minister for Roads and Ports, Department of Transport. GPO Box 2797, Melbourne VIC 3001. Email: tim.pallas@parliament.vic.gov.au
- Yarra Campaign Against the Tunnel: info@ycat.org.au
Media Contacts
Contact the media and radio talk back about the proposed road tunnel.
Melbourne Leader: Email: melbourne@leadernewspapers.com.au
Ph: 9489 2222, Address: Level 2, 192 High Street, Northcote, 3070
Click here to send online feedback
The Melbourne Times: Editorial: newsroom@fairfax.com.au, Ph: 9473 4700
Fax: 1300 305 856, Level 8, 250 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002
The Age: Email: letters@theage.com.au, Fax: 9601 2414,
News inquiries: newsdesk@theage.com.au, Ph: 9601 2250
Got news tips? Email: scoop@theage.com.au
Send photos, videos & tip-offs to 0406 THE AGE (0406 843 243)
Postal Address: PO Box 257C, Melbourne VIC 3001
Herald Sun: Email: hsletters@heraldsun.com.au, Fax: 9292 2944
Mail: Herald Sun, PO Box 14631, Melb 8001
Click here to send a online Letter to the Editor
3CR Community Radio: Talkback: 9419 0155, Ph & Fax: 9419 8377
PO Box 1277, Collingwood, 3066
Click here for a online contact page
ABC Melbourne: Ph: 9626 1771 (774 enquiries), 1300 222 774 (talkback)
SMS: 19 774 774, Fax: 9626 1774
Postal Address: 774 ABC Melbourne, GPO Box 9994, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001
Click here for a online contact page
Triple R FM: Email: 3rrr@rrr.org.au, Ph: 9388 1027, Fax: 9388 9079, PO Box 2145, Brunswick East 3057 Melbourne
2 thoughts on “EWLNA Submissions”
Comments are closed.
EWLNA Submission
Collingwood and Abbotsford Residents’ Association Inc.
P.O. Box 304
Abbotsford 3067
As a community group representing Collingwood and Abbotsford Residents our response focuses on the recommendations directly affecting the Collingwood and Abbotsford areas. However we have also commented on items which are widely regarded as being important to residential amenity and to carbon emissions reductions, such as public transport and cycling improvements. We would like to stress the need to focus on the future, with all transport planning taking into consideration demographic trends, fuel costs and availability, and environmental impact, on an ongoing basis. It appears the data providing the evidence base supporting some report recommendations may have already become obsolescent through recent events.
Recommendations 1-3 in relation to improving and extending public transport, including rail tunnels are generally supported as they are of significant benefit to the community. There also seems to be a correlation between improved public transport and reductions in car dependence and use, based on many European examples, which is important in addressing the need to reduce carbon emissions and improve residential amenity.
Recommendation 4, a proposed 18 kilometres of roads extending the Eastern Freeway, is strongly opposed by CARA. This extension would adversely affect the residents and parks directly adjacent to the extension, including the entry and exit points.
Specifically, we oppose:
• The possible compulsory acquisition of homes as part of widening of Hoddle Street, Alexandra Ave and/or the Eastern Freeway at exit points.
• The increased traffic on Hoddle Street which will further dissect our community and pose health hazards in the form of air pollution
• Increased traffic rat-running through our suburbs to avoid blocked arterial roads
• The appropriation of more public land for roads, on-off ramps, and access lanes.
These probable consequences of a road tunnel add nothing to the amenity of Collingwood and Abbotsford residents, and reduce liveability of these suburbs.
Furthermore, it seems well established now that new freeways only temporarily address traffic congestion; vehicular traffic is like a gas and all roads provided will fill up. Planning for traffic as if it were like water which can be directed, needs to stop. It is a waste of effort and resources.
Recommendation 5 remains a source of skepticism as it seems “Truck Action Plans’ have historically not been very successful. Road improvements and bypasses are beneficial only until they become congested, and truck drivers find alternative routes. For example, we are aware that on-ramps linking the ports and Western Ring Road are avoided by trucks, who prefer to use the flatter roads through suburban areas. We are not convinced that more truck-dedicated treatments will attract trucks to designated routes when other routes are available.
Recommendation 6 is agreed with in principle, for whilst a bus interchange linking with the Victoria Park rail station suggests a public transport improvement, this recommendation’s link to Recommendation #4 does not seem logical. The current Doncaster buses are city-bound and – and terminate where there are numerous links to other urban areas. The only links available at Victoria Park are to the University of Melbourne and Carlton, although these are also accessible via the city bound buses. Most trains run express through Victoria Park and the other three inner city stations, requiring integration of bus and rail services to provide any enhancement of current services.
Recommendation 7 is fully supported
Recommendation 8 is fully supported
Recommendation 9 is fully supported
Recommendation 10 is questioned given the claim that moving 30% of freight from ports by rail by 2010 needs to be challenged. Extensive planning and rail reserves linked with Westernport as a major freight port have been in place for many years. The most obvious strategy for moving more freight by rail is to redirect the shipping to Westernport.
Recommendation 14 to create vibrant hubs in Footscray, Sydenham, Sunshine and Werribee is supported, depending on the planning definitions of ‘a vibrant hub’ and those local communities being appropriately consulted on this and supportive of it.
Recommendation 15 is fully supported although how this will be done remains to be seen
Recommendation 16 is fully supported although how this will be done remains to be seen
Recommendation 18 Funding structures with ‘contributions from users and property owners’ suggests that our taxes are not being appropriately distributed. Our taxes should be sufficient to include government subsidy of public transport, as it is in most countries.
Recommendation 20 Is concerning. “Corridor approaches to planning, management and delivery” suggests that normal planning, approval and investigation processes will be circumnavigated.
Fred Allen Anna Lindstad
Public Officer Committee Member
Recommendation 5 should be fully supported. It is easy to deter truck usage of suburban streets once proper alternatives are in place. Truck drivers don’t want to deal with Melbourne/Williamstown road, Francis street and Somerville roads, but right now they are the most direct route to the ports from the ring road and elsewhere. I a thousand trucks a day rattle past my house with the ramps in place, that’s 9 thousand less than yesterday.