City of Darebin: Forum on the future of transport: Panellists include Kenneth Davidson from The Age Newspaper, Professor Graham Currie from Monash University and Cr Jackie Fristacky, Mayor of Yarra. The forum will be chaired by Councillor Tom Melican from the City of Banyule, who is also the Chair of the Metropolitan Transport Forum. Further panellists will be confirmed closer to the date.
Darebin Mayor Cr Tim Laurence said Darebin Council has joined City of Yarra to support the Trains Not Toll Roads campaign, which calls on the State Government to prioritise the Metropolitan Rail project over the East-West Link project. “The Wrong Way Go Back campaign also calls for State Government to prioritise the west section of the East West Link as without the western link, the number of trucks on inner western suburb roads will continue to grow,” Cr Laurence said.
“We are concerned about the availability of funding for future key public transport projects. Prioritising a road project of the magnitude of the East West Link will seriously compromise Victoria’s financial position to implement any investments in major public transport infrastructure in the next 10 years.”
“Council is keen to encourage community debate around the East West Link project and other major transport projects with direct implications to our community, such as the Melbourne Metro, Doncaster Rail Corridor and road and rail separations in Darebin. “These are important issues for the future sustainability of Darebin and we hope to raise greater community awareness of them through the forum, everyone is welcome to attend,” Cr Laurence said.
Event details: Community Transport Forum Tuesday 10 September 2013 6.30pm for a 7pm start Northcote Town Hall 189 High Street, Northcote For more information call 8470 8888.