Rally – Say No to East West Link – Yes to Doncaster Rail: To hand over the “Trains Not Tollroads” Petition and to protest the amendment to Major Transport Projects Facilitation Amendment (East-West Link and Major Projects) Bill 2013. This Amendment is listed for its second reading on the day and will reduce public consultation as well as handing infrastructure project management to private organisation/s.
- Date: Tuesday 20 August 2013
- Time: 12:45pm for a 1pm start to 2pm
- Location: Steps of Parliament
- Speakers: Members of Parliament, Yarra Councilors PPL and Ycat.
- Key Note Speaker: Cr Jackie Fristacky, Mayor, City of Yarra
- Lead Speaker: Tony Morton, President, PTUA
- Station: Adjacent to Parliament Station
Can all groups bring a “group sign” as well as protest placards, banners etc. These will be arranged at the front to emphasize the extent of support across Melbourne.
The Rally is an action of the Coalition of Transport Action Groups (CTAG) Spokespersons for CTAG
- Julianne Bell PPL VIC Mobile: 0408022408 jbell5[AT]bigpond.com
- Freda Watkin YCAT Mobile: 0422650936 freda.watkin[AT]gmail.com
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