Trains Not Toll Roads’ campaign launch & information tables across Yarra


Photo from @AmandaStoneGRN: “Trains Not Tolls” campaign heats up with street tables throughout Yarra this morning.

There will be a public launch of ‘Trains Not Toll Roads’ campaign on 13 June 2013 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at the Fitzroy Town Hall preceded by 10 days of promotion and a 7am media event on the day. Please note this date in your diary, as a big turnout is vital to the campaign.

As party of the pre-launch activities we are holding “information Tables” in key locations across the City of Yarra and we urgently need extra volunteers for the Abbotsford Convent Table. There will be a “Trains not Tollroads” Petition, Flyers, Bumper stickers and posters to hand out. Note: Fitzroy and Richmond are now fully resourced.

If you can help please email with details of times and a mobile phone number.

The table, coordinated by Ycat and CARA, will be in the street adjacent to Abbotsford Convent main entrance on Saturday, 25 May 2013 from 9am to 1pm. An hour of your time would be appreciated and you will receive a free coffee!

Thanks for your support and please share this note.