The East West tunnel would bulldoze homes in West Parkville and destroy wetlands, sporting fields and a multi-million-dollar water storage facility, according to opponents.
While the final route has yet to be announced, the Protectors of Public Lands group said Manningham St properties – including the Elderly Chinese Home – were in the path of the toll-road as it surfaced at Ross Straw Fields and joined the Tullamarine Freeway via four overpasses.
The link is also set to play havoc with Melbourne Council’s $2.5 million, five million-litre water storage tanks under the fields which water Royal Park, its golf course and Royal Parade.
Parkville resident of almost 40 years Adam Brown said even residents who did not lose their property would have their recreation areas sliced up by freeways and sound walls.
“This will slash our amenity and our property prices, but the loss of heritage for future generations is immeasurable. We’re losing what Melbourne is known for and what makes it livable for a Los Angeles style freeway network.”
PPL spokeswoman Julianne Bell said it was a “disaster” for thousands of sportspeople and residents and the environment, heritage and water storage.
Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber called on the Government to provide more information, labelling it the “most secretive tunnel since The Great Escape“.
Does the State Government need to come clean as to the planned East West route? Have your say below.
Linking Melbourne Authority spokeswoman Erin Coldham said a more detailed design would be released for community feedback later this month. Ms Coldham said property acquisition would not take place until next year and overpasses could not be built directly over residential properties.
The Government plans to widen the Eastern Freeway by two lanes. It said the project would be used by about 80,000 cars a day and deliver a cost benefit of $1.40 due to productivity gains.
3 thoughts on “Unacceptable: West Parkville facing `immeasurable’ losses if link goes ahead”
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Logic of Melbourne
POSTED AT 6:02 PM JULY 08, 2013
The state government does not need to come clean on the route. All possible iterations of this project are a disaster economically, environmentally and for the local community. There is no version of this tunnel that is acceptable. The money needs to be spent on the far more useful Doncaster rail.
Hendrik Rost of Brunswick
POSTED AT 3:47 PM JULY 08, 2013
The East West link tunnel is just too expensive. What Melbourne needs is a lot of small investments, not one huge project which will make some company rich but will cost the taxpayer and Melbournians dearly. 1. Modern signalling system for trains, improving their performance significantly. 2. Modern traffic light systems making life safer and fighting congestion. 3. Decent bicycle lanes fighting congestion by getting more people to use bikes. 4. More trams, trains and buses. The East-West link is just born out of corruption. It does not stand the test of Infrastructure Australia, it is not economically solid. People will not use it enough, considering the high cost per ride it will have in order to cover costs.
The East/West Link Proposal is unacceptable to the community.
The many thousands of residents involved with the “Trains Not Tolloroads Campaign” have spoken very clearly – we want, need and deserve excellent public transport.
The reoccurring discussion of the East/West Project is only reinforcing it in the public mind – which is exactly what the government wants!
It is time to start promoting the benefits of the Doncaster Rail Project and to stop critiquing the road project. it is time to simply dismiss the road project as below our contempt.