We Want Trains Not Tolls Rally: Saturday 28 June 2014

Share, share and invite everyone – lets make this rally in June absolutely massive! We Want Trains Not Tolls Rally is organised by community groups, No East West Tunnel – Take the pledge and a vast array of concerned Victorians. Meet at 1pm  Saturday 28 June 2014 at the State Library of Victoria.

  • Scrap the East-West tunnel!
  • Rip up the contracts!
  • Invest in public transport!

#Rally4PT_A5_leafletTrains Not Tolls Rally – 1pm Saturday 28 June 2014, State Library of Victoria, Melbourne

A rally will be held this Saturday to demand the Victorian Government scrap the East-West Link.

Harriet Mantell, affected resident and rally spokesperson, said the aim of the rally was to demonstrate to the government that the Victorian people do not want this project to go ahead.

‘The rally has three key demands: scrap the East-West Link, rip up the contracts and invest in public transport,’ Ms Mantell said.

‘Eighteen billion is too much to spend on a single road project that will only make congestion worse,’ Ms Mantell said.

‘The Government has tried to trick voters into thinking this project is a done deal. But that is by no means the case. With the government hanging on a parliamentary knife edge; a case against the project ongoing in the Supreme Court and motions passed in the Senate to dislodge the secret business case, the project is on very shaky ground,’ Ms Mantell said.

‘This rally hopes to send a strong message to Labor. If they came out now and declared they would not abide by the East-West Link contracts, they would never be signed in the first place. Parliament has this power and the justification is that these contracts would be ruinous to the state of Victoria,’ Ms Mantell said.

‘By 30 June, Planning Minister Matthew Guy is required to hand down his response to the report of the panel set up to assess project impacts of the East West Link – Eastern Section. The presentations to this panel over the month of hearings were almost uniformly scathing. How the government responds to these criticisms will be a further test of its credibility,’ Ms Mantell said.

‘We want to assert that we will not allow the Minister to brush aside the concerns of Victorian community or get away with merely cosmetic changes. The whole thing must go,’ Ms Mantell said.

Since April, representatives from Tunnel Picket and other community groups have taken the Trains Not Tolls message across Victoria, including Doncaster, Mernda, Belgrave, Ballarat, Sunbury, Geelong, Victoria Market, Frankston and Point Cook.

The rally will bring together people from all across Melbourne. It will set out a plan for the work needed in the critical months ahead to stop the East-West Link once and for all.

Rally speakers include Adam Bandt, federal member for Melbourne; Stephen Jolly, Yarra City Councillor and Karima Mohamed, a resident of Flemington public housing.


Additional information on the community campaign against East West Link: 


Not in Melbourne?

Why not hold your own #Rally4PT where you are – simply choose one of these messages, or make your own, then take a selfie holding it at your local members office, local public transport spot or of your own choosing.


Add  your suburb/town and post to twitter with the #Rally4PT tag on the day. You can also email your selfie to info@ycat.org.au to be added to the huge We Want Trains Not Tolls photo petition. For an extra touch, cc. your email to your local politician.


Download and distribute leaflet and poster:


Trains Not Toll Roads Rally is endorsed by:

Adam Bandt | All Aboard | Animal Justice Party | Artists for Trains Not Tolls | As Bare as You Dare | ASU Victoria & Tasmania | Australian Institute of Landscape Architects | Banyule Bike Train | Banyule Bicycle Users Group | Banyule Greens | Better EWL Design | Brunswick Zebras | City of Yarra U3A | Climate Action Moreland | Collingwood and Abbotsford Residents Association (CARA) | Collingwood Historical Society | Ellen Sandell, Greens candidate for Melbourne | Fitzroy Residents Association | Fitzroy Revolution | Flemington Neighbourhood Renewal | Freedom Socialist Party | Freestyle Cyclists | Friends of Banyule | Friends of Merri Creek | Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek | Grandparents Australia | Green Left Weekly | Kensington Association | Kororoit Institute | Melbourne Anarchist Club | Melbourne Bicycle Users Group (MelbBUG) | Melbourne Street Medics | Melbourne University Baseball Club (MUBC) | Melbourne University Soccer Club (MUSC) | Moonee Ponds Creek Coordination Committee | Moonee Valley Council | Moreland Bicycle Users Group (MBUG) | Moreland City Council | Moreland Community Against the Tunnel (MCAT) | National Tertiary Education Union | National Union of Students (NUS) | Overland Journal | Patels Pharmacy | Polyester Records | Princes Hill North Carlton Heritage Network | Public Transport Not Traffic | Public Transport Users Association | Radical Women | Rail Revival Alliance | Rail Tram and Bus Union | Red Flag | Residents Against The Tunnel (RAT) | Royal Park Protection Group | Royal Park Reds | Socialist Alliance | Socialist Alternative | Socialist Party | Sustainable Macleod | Students Linking Melbourne Sustainably (SLiMs) | The 3068 Group | The Carlton Residents Association | The Eyes Have It | Trains Not Tollroads – Darebin | Transition 3081 | Transition Banyule | Transition Darebin | Transition Port Phillip | Tunnel Picket | Under The Hammer – Activist Arts Hub | Van Badham | VCA Student Association | Victorian Greens | Yarra Bicycle Users Group (YarraBUG) | Yarra Campaign for Action on Transport (YCAT) | Yarra City Council | Yarra Climate Action Now (YCAN)


2 thoughts on “We Want Trains Not Tolls Rally: Saturday 28 June 2014”

  1. Dave says:

    The request for endorsement was taken to the MAC meeting. Your campaign is consistent with our values and we are happy to support Trains not Tollroads.
    Dave Saxton
    On behalf of the Melbourne Anarchist Club

  2. Jill K says:

    Thanks, Dave. I’ve passed on this endorsement to the organising committee. Please promote amongst members and encourage them to Join the FB event (https://www.facebook.com/events/677953042264987/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming) and Invite their networks. See you there. Jill K

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