Ten News: East West Link: Quicker Travel Times, Wednesday 6 Aug 2014 Duration – 01:43
Melbourne motorists are being sold quicker travel times and fewer traffic jams under the controversial East West link.
Includes reference to TraffixGroup report on apparent travel time savings for the yet unbuilt East West Link, plus Tony Morton from Public Transport Users Association on the criticism of Victoria’s public transport operators in the Victorian Auditor-Generals (VAGO) Co-ordinating Public Transport report, released 6 August 2014
Edited interview on ABC 774 Melbourne – Rafael Epstein & Terry Mulder, Minister for Transport & Roads, 6 August 2014
Discussing todays East West Link announcement about travel times related to the TraffixGroup report, includes talkback and edited section from 5.30pm news update with Public Transport Users Association response.