As you may be aware, our battle against the East-West toll road reaches a crucial moment in time. As the Napthine government pushes hard to sign contracts before the November state election, communities across Melbourne are united in opposition.
Anthony Murphy of Brunswick, represented by Ron Merkel QC, has filed a case in the Supreme Court against the government, claiming they have misled the public about the toll road business case and its economic justification. The significance of this case cannot be overstated.
Even with the excellent pro-bono legal assistance provided by Fitzroy Legal Services and Shine Lawyers, court cases are expensive and we are relying on community support to fund this challenge.
I would like to invite you to an evening in support Anthony Murphy’s Supreme Court challenge.
- Our guest speaker will be Ron Merkel QC.
- Monday 18 August, 6-7:30pm, Fitzroy Town Hall
- Places are limited, so I urge you to please RSVP by Monday 11 August via reply email to
Thank you as always for your support of this important campaign and I look forward to seeing you there.
Kind Regards,
Harriet Mantell
On behalf of the Murphy V East-West toll campaign