#GetOnBoardVic – Day of Action: Monday 23rd April 2018

The Victorian State Government has teamed up with private interests like TransUrban to choke Melbourne with roads, roads, roads, leading to congestion, smog and tolls.
We know Melbournians want real, long-term solutions to Melbourne’s growth problems, NOT more roads. Our future as the world’s most liveable city depends on investment in sustainable public transport that works for all.
ONE WEEK before the budget is released we need to show our local MPs that we don’t want big bucks for more roads! We need to get our budget on balance by ramping up investment in public transport, local bike & walking infrastructure, shifting freight onto rail and more!
Bring along your friends, family, loved ones and even your dog to join the simultaneous, Melbourne-wide protest as we share our frustration with a Labor government who is pouring billions into new road projects.
Come tell our leaders we want a healthy, walkable, easy-to-get-around city that works for all, NOT just those who drive.
Join us on #GetOnBoardVic Day of Action this Monday 23rd April at your local member’s office below:
SNAP Action: No More $ For Mega Toll Roads (facebook event)
10.00am – 10.30am – Williamstown: Wade Noonan, 101 Douglas Parade, Williamstown
Contact: Better West – Spotswood South Kingsville Residents Group
11.00am – 11.30am- Werribee: Tim Pallas, 2/56-58 Watton Street, Werribee
Contact: Better West – Spotswood South Kingsville Residents Group
11:00am – 11:30am – Richmond: Richard Wynne, Shop 6, 232 Brunswick St, Fitzroy
Contact YCAT
10.00am – 10.30am – Ivanhoe: Anthony Carbines, 56 Beetham Parade, Rosanna
Contact: Friends of Banyule
10.00am-10.30am – Mordialloc: Tim Richardson, 374 Nepean Highway, Chelsea
Contact: RAMF – Residents Against Mordialloc Freeway
Additional Resources
- Use these #tags on social media: #GetOnBoardVic #NoMoreTolls #StopWestGateTunnel #NoEastWestLink #StopNorthEastLink #StopMordiallocFreeway #VicVotes #SpringSt #AusPol
- Feel free to print one or all of these A4 posters with a choice of ten nifty slogans (PDF)
Media release Budget out of touch as community members combine forces against the roads funding priority (20 April 2018)
Community groups across Melbourne have combined to voice shared concerns that the Victorian Government is locking in the wrong projects for Melbourne’s future. Facing projects in every corner of the city from the West Gate Tunnel to the North East Link, the resuscitated East-West Link, and the Mordialloc Freeway, Melburnians are joining forces.
Melbourne’s transport budget is out of touch with big bucks handed over for mega roads, while public transport lags. Continue Reading…