Hoddle Street-Punt Road. Again.

The Andrews government is currently reheating the idea of trying to do something about Hoddle Street-Punt Road. Do you have a bright idea or several? Light rail? Less car dependency? A North South Link? What about free public transport for MCG ticket holders to give Yarra Park a break?
This study arrives with some concerns. Firstly, the consultation appears to be coming after the government has already decided to introduce altered traffic flow for right turns. While it is good the government has fronted up with concrete proposals, it invites the concern it is a fait acompli?
Also, the government has ruled out any longer term projects that the 2009 study was considering – such as a bus tunnel. This limits solutions to those that fit in with the electoral cycle. This means local residents (note the 2000 new apartments within 500m of Hoddles St), as well as cyclists, pedestrians, public transport users and even cocooned motorists will continue to breath the toxic sludge of Hoddle Street for decades.
Proposals that make Hoddle Street more attractive to motorists will attract more motorists. The demand will always exceed the supply of road space. YCAT and the local community will push for more creative solutions
Those of us with longer memories will recall the Hoddle Street Study and the Hoddle Street Study Stakeholder Advisory Group (HSSSAG).
YCAT is republising these reports today as the department has brought down their study website www.hoddlestreetstudy.com.au
This is a disturbing trend in an age of electronic publishing and distribution, where tax payer funded reports are removed from circulation because they don’t contain the right message. We urgently need legislation to ensure that government reports remain pubished in their original location – even after the government department changes its name.
Stay informed with extensive Hoddle Street reading from the YCAT archives:
Media Release: Daniel Andrews: Getting On With Improving Hoddle Street And Punt Road
VicRoads: Hoddle Street-Punt Road corridor online consultation – open until 21 September 2015.
VicRoads: Hoddle Street-Punt Road Corridor Investigations – additional background and reports
VicRoads: Punt Road Public Acquisition Background Report
Residents and motorists are invited to attend local drop in sessions on:
- Saturday 12 September – Catholic Leadership Centre Cnr Hoddle St and Victoria Pde, East Melbourne 9:00am–12:00pm and 2:00pm–5:00pm
- Wednesday 16 September – Wesley College, St Kilda Rd Campus Cnr Punt Rd and High St, Melbourne 10:00am-1:00pm and 5:30pm-8:30pm