Protectors of Public Lands: Future Melbourne Committee, City of Melbourne considers LMA Request for Geotechnical Investigation (Drilling) for the East West Link

Articles in Saturday’s papers covered the question of funding of the East West Link. The Age article is misleading as it reads as if the East West link is supported by the Federal Government when this is not the case. See below links, both articles are worth reading:

Future Melbourne Committee, City of Melbourne considers LMA Request for Geotechnical Investigation (Drilling) for the East West Link

On 10 July 2012 the Future Melbourne Committee of the City of Melbourne was all set to approve a request by a construction company ” Linking Melbourne Authority (LMA)” on behalf of the State Government to drill across inner Melbourne and in parks including Royal Park, Princes Park and Travancore Park.

A total of 19 sites, to get soil/rock samples preparatory to construction of the East West Link. were identified. Although there are no definite route plans, as far as we know, it is possible to consider the drill sites indicative of the route of the East West Link.

Even if Council had refused permission, the Minister of Transport could have over ruled the Council.

So instead of simply opposing the East West Link and stating that Council should do likewise, PPL VIC made clear our opposition to the East West Link then, following the suggestions of our legal advisor, presented a “management plan” with a set of 8 conditions for the “geotechnical investigation” to protect the parks from what could be a damaging

The PPL suggested that a security bond be established in case damage is done to the parks and the Council adopted our management plan. The Management Plan was recorded verbatim, except for a minor point on the amount of a security bond.

From Julianne Bell, PPL