The gap between transport infrastructure and services and Melbourne’s expanding northern suburbs
The Friends of Banyule are fighting another massive road that will be a feeder into the east-west link.
Friends of Banyule Event #3
Where the rubber hits the road
Guest speaker: Janet Rice
Thursday 30 August 2012
at the Old Shire Offices
60 Beverley Road
7.30 – 9.00pm
Heidelberg (Mel Ref 32 D3)
Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary has been recently expanded and the Victorian government is committed to unprecedented residential and industrial expansion in Melbourne’s north and west. The Victorian government has promised to integrate urban and transport planning in meeting transport needs in these new areas. How is this working out in practice? And what does it mean for residents in these new suburbs of Melbourne, and in Banyule, if the Victorian government continues with the planning patterns of the last decades and rolls out a car dependent future for the new growth corridor?
Transport analyst and Greens Senate Candidate Janet is the Greens Senate candidate for the next federal election. She is a former Councillor and Mayor of the City of Maribyrnong and former Chair of the Metropolitan Transport Forum. Most recently Janet has worked as a strategic transport planner in a growth area Council, and has firsthand experience of the gap between rhetoric and reality when it comes to growth area planning.