Please come along and add your voice to this important issue as there is some opposition to the proposal from a local business and it is possible that separated bike lanes may not be approved.
We need a strong presence as creating a sustainable street for all on Wellington Street, which is now a major North/South bike route, makes it less likely that an off-ramp at Wellington St. will form part of the Esat/West Link proposal.
I have included the excellent post from Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio below. It offers clear guidelines on speaking, notes council procedures and document links.
Also a short email to your ward councilors before the meeting is a good strategy – let them know what you think in clear, concise language.
freda, Ycat
Proposed separated bike lanes in Wellington Street, Collingwood.
by Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio
Hi all,
The proposed Copenhagen lanes for Wellington Street will be discussed at the next Yarra Council meeting at 6.30pm, First Floor, Tuesday 19 February 2013, Richmond Town Hall, 333 Bridge Road, Richmond.
Many of you would be aware of the issues that have been raised for and against this infrastructure and no doubt, some of you could have attended the 18 September 2012 council meeting where public submissions were discussed at length.
This proposal is vitally important for sustainable transport initiatives, not only for cyclists, but also for the future of implementing the Yarra Bicycle Strategy 2010–2015:
Also other groups and local councils will be watching how this issue progresses.
Here are Yarra Councils guidelines if you wish to make a submission during Public question time.
Taking these into consideration, please make notes of what you wish to discuss, so you give yourself options to present just in case another person covers your topic or point.
Yarra City Council welcomes questions from members of the community.
Public question time is an opportunity to ask questions, not to make statements or engage in debate. Questions should not relate to items listed on the agenda. (Council will consider submissions on these items separately.) Members of the public who wish to participate are to:
(a) state their name clearly for the record;
(b) direct their questions to the chairperson;
(c) ask a maximum of two questions;
(d) speak for a maximum of five minutes;
(e) refrain from repeating questions that have been asked previously by themselves or others; and
(f) remain silent following their question unless called upon by the chairperson to make further comment.
1. Minutes of the 18 September Yarra Council Meeting, go to page 19: 10.8 Wellington Street Copenhagen Bicycle Lanes Proposal – Consultation Feedback
2. Proposed separated bike lanes in Wellington Street – additional information & background to the project:
3. The Yarra Council Agenda for 19 February 2013 should be listed here soon:
4. Conscious Planning: Decision pending – Families and Bike Commuters to get a boost in Inner City Suburb
5. YCAN: Yarra Council Face Off on Copenhagen Lane
Please forward on this information to anyone you know so we can show strong community support for sustainable transport intiatives in our suburbs.
Thank you, Chris Star (Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio)